5 Steps to Take When Your Girl Finds Another Girls Pants in Your House.

5 Steps to Take When Your Girl Finds Another Girls Pants in Your House.

5 Steps to Take When Your Girl Finds Another Girls Pants in Your House.

In our lifes today alot of men cheat on there girls alot but they dont know how defend them selfs.Even if it by lieing to to the In this life you need to be wise to survive my friends
And if you wanna do something fishy always think before you do it if i get caught wat can i do so this are the things you can do.

1.Say it belong to your neighbour.

 You can defend your self by saying that maybe  when you were taking your clothes from the cloth line you took it by mistake 
Because obvious alot of ladies cant go asking the neighbour if the inner ware belongs them.

2.Tell her it hers.

You can also tell the girl that the pant belongs to her is just that the last time she was there she was very drunk and she even forgot to ware it while she was going home.

Tell her that you rember her telling that she bought the pant that day because she know that she was coming to you so she had to buy a new one to show you that she has alot of inner wares and she is ever clean.

3.You bought it for her.

You tell your bae that you bought it for her 2 weeks ago but you didnt remember to give it to her so yestaday while you were donig the general cleaning you found it and you were so disappointed with yourself because you didnt give it to her and you cant give it to her now because its already old and there is no need to give her an old thing.

4.It Belongs to your friends GF.

Say that your friend has a girlfriend that lives nearby and your house was the only place that they found near to meet in private,
so your friend told you to save him with your house they stay there for a while with his girl. So maybe when when they were in my house they had sex and the girl left his pant in your house.

5 pretend you dont know it

When she ask you who does this thing belong to you just pretend that you have never seen  it and ask her "bae are you trying to put me inna test or what ,then if you think i will tense i wont its.
I dont know the where that pant have came from and i have never seen it before and what is amaizing you is how comes your seeing it the day that your bae is in the house.

Whe know that everytime when you know that your bae is -coming you must arrange your house so that is can look smart for your bae to stay in a clean and cool place, how can i arrange the whole house and live the pant a place where you can see am i stupid?.

And those are the ways you can remove yourself from trouble that  you didnt expect.

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