6 Uncomfortable but Necessary Questions You Need to ask a new Partner.

6 Uncomfortable but Necessary Questions You Need to ask a new Partner.

Uncomfortable but Necessary Questions You Need to ask a new Partner.

Let's face it, dating in these mordern times can be a nightmare. You do not know who's using you and who's genuine and that's why you gotta ask some important questions first.

That's right, if you're seeing someone new, before things get even too heated, before you graduate from situationship, to relationship.

There are a million of questions to ask someone new that you're dating. However, you need to start with the uncomfortable but necessary questions such as these.

1. What are the future plans?

It's always important to find out prior to. Is he planning on getting married one day? Have kids? Change cities? Where does he see himself in the next 5 years?

2. Ask him about his past relationships?

Yeah the heading is uncomfortable questions...you really don't want to be bothered by crazy baby mamas or crazy exes. Ask him about people he's dated before if he has kids and other such 'baggage'.

3. Health histrory.

Has he ever been treated for an STD? While most people will probably lie about this, it's important to find out about his health history. Also from his family generations, is there a hereditary disease that could be potentially passed on to future generations? Such questions are important so that you're aware prior to what you're getting yourself into.

4. What his values and beliefs are.

Things like religious beliefs are important. If you want to raise your kids in a Christian background and he doesn't want, what's the point of even wasting time? Find out what they hate and what they like, values they live by and see if you're compatible enough should the relationship move to the next step. Find out about their sexual preferences.

What kind of sex they are into, do they like sex toys? Anal? I mean you don't wanna be with someone only to realize they like golden showers 6 months deep into the relationship. It's also important to find out things like circumsion for the men and to make sure that you're okay with it before you even go far. Lol just saying...

5. Money matters.

You don't want to sound or come off as a gold digger. But it's important to know the financial status of the person. At the end of the day, love will not pay bills. You need to ask how they perceive finances in a relationship. Are you going to be splitting bills? Is he happy to take care of all the bills? Are you going to be going dutch in restaurants? Ask to avoid future arguments.

6. Find out what he's in the relationship for.

You know that annoying "What are we?" question? Yeah. You both need to come clean on what your intentions are. I'd rather a man who tells me openly that he's just there to smash than one who leads me on.

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