Top rich lifestyle for business practice in kenya

Top rich lifestyle for business practice in kenya 

Top rich lifestyle for business practice in kenya

 • Socialite
 •Film industry

1 Socialite
.Socialism may seem as alow moral form of career choice with no much need of education merits but focassing more on physical appearance and  publicity .Truth bo told socialism is a form of lifestyle with great financial benefits 
As much as other form of business need capital to start being a socialite doesn't present itself on a silver platter either you have to give it your all in order to hit your target combination.
Social media plays a very vital role in this form of business lifestyle.


You want to earn good money and still live it up Then this what you should consinder involving yourself with youtube is one of the platforms with lots of employees globelly.Tones of people shoot clips and videos on daily basis to entartain mostly and post
them and post them and post them and in return viewers promote their earning Reality shows too represent this lifestyle earners in term of clips and videos.


Comedians may have alot of jokes But they earn alot being a comedian doesnt need alot of education  they come up with things that happen in our lifes today or just guess anything that seems to be so creative you know sometimes you hear a comedian saying a thing that even when you sitdown for 20 days thinking you cant thing something semilar to that Being a comedian is not easy because you have to search for good lines
That will make people laugh.Though they earn alot of money Because sometimes they are called in events and get paid a good amout of money. Sometimes they do adverts in tv wich is very expensive.

4.Film industry

Being an actress is not easy beacause you need to be aducated that is if its an English program though it depents with the part of the film your acting you may be acting when  being thief talking in swahili. 
Acting also pays a good amout of money and makes alot of people being rich beacause you find one person acting more than one movie.
According to me i say that there are alot of business opportunity in our nation follow your talent and it might take you far and end up earning alot of money.

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