6 Secrets of Being a Successful Student

6 Secrets of Being a Successful Student

6 Secrets of Being a Successful Student

Hard work isn't the whole story either.It's not how long you sit there with the books open.It is what you do while you are sitting according to education experts and student themselves are the
Secrets of a successfull student.

1.Set priorities

Top students brooks no intrusion on study time 
Once the brooks are open phone calls go unanswered
Tv unwatched snacks ignored and visitors discouraged
Study is business comes before recreation.

2.Study anywhere-everywhere

A  university business profrssor assigned to tutor under achieving college athlets recalls across  country runner 
who exercised daily.
He persuaded him to use the time to memorise biology terms 
Another student stuck a vocabulary list on the bedroom wall.
She learnt a new word every while combing her hair.

3. Get organised
At school you may be attending alot of activities games Drama clubs etc..
You can be so busy that you dont have time to look for  a pencil or missing paper 
Keep everything  just where you could get  your hands on them easly.
4.Schedule your time

As a student you have to schedule your time if its an assigment you  should aim to finish a couple of days before the its due in,
So that if it takes longer than anticipated he would still make the deadline.
Of course even the best  students  procrastinate occasionally but 
When that happens they face up to it sometimes it come to down to late nights Still if you want good grades you have to make the deadline.

5.Take good notes

Before writing anything devide your page into two columns.
The left section  is about a third of the page wide the right two
Thirds  write  your notes in the wider column and jot down the 
significance of each in the left during revision
This is very useful bacause you can see immediately why the material is relevant rather than being deunted by great chunks of information.

6.Do more than your asked
If maths teacher sets five problems You do  ten.If the History teacher assigns eight pages of reading the reads twelve ..parts of learning is practising and the more you practise the more you learn.

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