Cardi B Overjoyed With How Pregnancy Changed Her Body.

Cardi B Overjoyed With How Pregnancy
Changed Her Body. 

Cardi B Overjoyed With How Pregnancy Changed Her Body.

While many women complain about the weight gain
associated with pregnancy, Cardi B is only focusing on
the positives. 

She may not be the happiest about the
psychological changes she's encountered but she could
not be any more pleased with how her body has
transformed while carrying Offset 's child. As her due
date must be nearing, Cardi has halted all performances
until the Fall, enjoying the time she has with her baby
and her last few months of pregnancy.

While she mayhave needed to see a plastic surgeon for any breast
augmentations she was interested in at one time, she
now knows that getting pregnant will give her the same

Speaking to her followers in an Instagram

Cardi noted how happy she is about how her body has
changed. "You see what my child is doing to me?"
asked Bardi.

Do you see my motherfucking hair? This
shit growing. You see my skin, like a b-tch look like I
put moisturizer but I just woke up. T-tties is getting
bigger, know what I'm saying? B-tch don't gotta go to
DR to get her t-tties done no more like, got a whole
motherfucking brand new pair of t-tties."

The negative aspects

 Lamenting the negative aspects of pregnancy like her heartburn and loss of breath at times, Cardi asserts that her child is
doing her good with her looks.

While it is unclear how far along Cardi is in her
pregnancy, it was reported as far back as Super Bowl
weekend when her team claimed she was a few months
pregnant. What do you think Offset and Bardi will name
their child?

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